Since Web API OData V5.5, it supports open type and dynamic property on un-type scenario, dynamic properties can be:

  1. Primitive Type
  2. Enum Type
  3. Complex Type
  4. Collection of above

Let’s see a sample about this feature.

Build un-type Edm Model

Now, we can build the Edm Model as:

private static IEdmModel GetUntypedEdmModel()
    var model = new EdmModel();
    // complex type address
    EdmComplexType address = new EdmComplexType("NS", "Address", null, false, true);
    address.AddStructuralProperty("Street", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String);
    // enum type color
    EdmEnumType color = new EdmEnumType("NS", "Color");
    color.AddMember(new EdmEnumMember(color, "Red", new EdmIntegerConstant(0)));
    // entity type customer
    EdmEntityType customer = new EdmEntityType("NS", "UntypedSimpleOpenCustomer", null, false, true);
    customer.AddKeys(customer.AddStructuralProperty("CustomerId", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32));
    customer.AddStructuralProperty("Color", new EdmEnumTypeReference(color, isNullable: true));
    EdmEntityContainer container = new EdmEntityContainer("NS", "Container");
    container.AddEntitySet("UntypedSimpleOpenCustomers", customer);
    return model;

If the dynamic property is not primitive type, you should declare it in model like the code above.

GET an untyped open entity with dynamic property


In the UntypedSimpleOpenCustomersController, add the following method:

public IHttpActionResult Get(int key)
   //return an EdmEntityObject

Request Samples

We can get the entity as:


POST an untyped open entity with dynamic property


In the UntypedSimpleOpenCustomersController, add the following method :

public IHttpActionResult PostUntypedSimpleOpenCustomer(EdmEntityObject customer)
    object nameValue;
    customer.TryGetPropertyValue("Name", out nameValue);
    Type nameType;
    customer.TryGetPropertyType("Name", out nameType);

Request Samples

You should declare the type of dynamic properties in request body. Payload:

const string Payload = "{" + 
              "\"@odata.context\":\"http://localhost/odata/$metadata#UntypedSimpleOpenCustomer/$entity\"," +
              "\"CustomerId\":6,\"Name\":\"FirstName 6\"," +
              "\"Address\":{" +
                "\"@odata.type\":\"#NS.Address\",\"Street\":\"Street 6\",\"City\":\"City 6\"" +
              "}," + 
              "\"Addresses@odata.type\":\"#Collection(NS.Address)\"," +
              "\"Addresses\":[{" +
                "\"@odata.type\":\"#NS.Address\",\"Street\":\"Street 7\",\"City\":\"City 7\"" +
              "}]," +
              "\"DoubleList@odata.type\":\"#Collection(Double)\"," +
              "\"DoubleList\":[5.5, 4.4, 3.3]," +
              "\"FavoriteColor@odata.type\":\"#NS.Color\"," +
              "\"FavoriteColor\":\"Red\"," +
              "\"Color\":\"Red\"," +
              "\"FavoriteColors@odata.type\":\"#Collection(NS.Color)\"," +
              "\"FavoriteColors\":[\"0\", \"1\"]" +



The type of dynamic properties in un-type scenario

EdmEntityObject (Collection)

Represent an entity.

EdmComplexObject (Collection)

Represent an complex property.

EdmEnumObject (Collection)

Represent an enum property.